LIC is a forum for encouraging a small group of like minded people to come together and start a business venture. The exact framework is open for discussions amongst the interested parties. LIC is a trial program and once the partnership is formed it will cease to exist in this format and instead will operate under TULIP company with a set mission and agenda. With that in mind, here would be a good starting point to build this team. The market is tough and a collaborative approach to business ventures may be the most effective approach to discover talents and reduce risks. Naturally, legal frameworks will be put in place to safeguard member's assets. I am therefore seeking active investors/partners, people who may have understanding/familiarity with European, Iranian or UAE markets. The ventures I have in mind are:

> Financial investment, see Tulip Financial Investment Management
> IT, ECommerce, Product support and maintenance, see Tulip IT & Telecom Srevices
> Import/Export of products and services, see Tulip Import & Export Management

The criteria I have in mind are commitment, know-how, the right attitude and an appropriate geographic location. 

 I look forward to hearing from people with genuine interest and clear objective in mind.

For more information please login to your facebook account and then CLICK ME

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